Whats missing from a breakfast cereal nowadays? Is it the toy or the smell maybe even the mascot some of the company's really went crazy in developing new cereals they lost the original nostalgia feel so me and David Irwin from "highsp00n" cereal reviews made one to beat them all.
The smell you get from a dinner of sweet maple syrup and waffles with a biscuit taste bringing you in with that old diner feel that's truly vintage. Including a toy in the box that every kid would eat a box just too get and a fun mascot different from the others "Terry The Sloth".
Comes in two flavors:
Original: Waffles and Pancakes with a fresh breakfast smell that encapsulates your senses leaving the milk with a nice cinnamon taste and classic flavorful morning.
Second: Milkshake flavor of a nice vanilla chocolate and strawberry mix to give you the old school diner feel of ordering a milkshake before you met up at the roller rink.
